What are normal blood sugar levels to maintain? The sugar level ranging between 70 milligrams per deciliter and 100 mgms/dl in fasting for 8 hours is diagnosed as normal fasting blood sugar. If the level ranges from 100 to 199, it is identified as a condition of prediabetes. The condition of the diabetic is a little pathetic if the level is 200 and exceeding. This higher level is an indication of the patient is confirmed to be a diabetic of type 1 or type 2. Under such condition it is not wise to ignore to take treatment. By proper treatment the normal levels can be maintained.
There are several ways to keep healthy blood sugar levels. You have the synthetic medication as well as natural cure. The former includes the after side effects while the natural cure is not so. Anyone would not like facing with side effects in taking medication for one thing. As such, it is best suggested that you choose to start natural cure remedies. You have the liberty to try the following with care and confidence.
1. The first thing you have to start with is your normal blood sugar levels monitoring frequently. The readings help you to know your A1C. You can have the correct idea of the insulin secretion by pancreas. This is the most important step in one’s diabetes management.
2. The next thing is your attention to the type of insulin working in your blood. The doctor will check and decide the type by administering just 2 units of Humalin insulin about 40 minutes before a meal to take.
3. Now, you are ready to start your medication by your doctor or natural cure which is your choice. Anyhow you may have low dosage of medicine prescribed by your doctor to be safe from bad adverse side effects. After lowering the sugar level considerably, you can start your natural medication.
4. The natural cure lies in the principle of ‘take divided and measured meal’. Intake of food to full stomach in one sitting is not suggestive. Have the amount of food divided for four or five a day, no harm to the total calories aimed for one day.
5. Now you have to concentrate on the food items to take. The best food suggested for you as diabetic of any type is with less fat as well as carbohydrate content. You can have wisely a pre-calculated amount of carbohydrates and fats in your intakes so that you have normal blood sugar after eating. Beware to take only those foods to take and others to exclude.
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Great information about blood sugar.
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